Master's Messengers Pin Sites

        Location: Ukraine
       Year Work Began: 2/2022 - ACTIVE!

       HCP was given the following links by the Ukrainian Cultural Center -
       730 W. Elm Phoenix, AZ 85013

        Frontier - This organization cares for orphans in Ukraine and
        recently assisted in their safe evacuation from Ukraine into the countries of Poland,
        Germany and Romania. 

       Ukrainetakeshelter - A website designed to match you to
       host a refugee family in your home

        Voices of 
Rescue the This organization has set up assistance in
        Poland to assist and minister to the Ukrainian refugees.


Location: Huggabear Farm 2.0 Glendale, AZ
Year Work Began: April 2017 to Present - ACTIVE!!

The H.C.P. Community Library is a small library the La Fon-Cox Family built in the corner of their front yard for the families of their community. They took an old
refrigerator, because Samuel thought the library should be sealed to keep our rain, dust and other elements of nature, and constructed a solar-lit outdoor library where families can take used or new books for FREE! If they want to return them they can, or they can keep them. Other books can be donated as well and brand new Bibles are always stocked in the library along with bookmarks, flashcards, videos and other educational supplies. The library was a great success in our former neighborhood and we are excited to open it up to the children of our new Glendale neighborhood!

The Jimmy Orphange

Location: Worldwide!
​Year Work Began: January 2010 - ALWAYS ACTIVE!

This is the project of MaCaedyn La Fon-Cox who was six years old when she began. It was her idea to give children a hug in times of need to bring them joy! Kooshla is MaCaedyn's nicname and it is her wish to send FREE Huggabears to children who are homeless or ill and can receive a stuffed toy. Kooshla's Wish also sends Huggabears to children who have lost their homes due to financial struggles or due to natural disasters; hurricane, tornado, flood, etc.

​The Paul Orphanage

 Location: International
Year Work Began: November 2013 - ALWAYS ACTIVE!

Our Holiday Hugs project raises funds to give families in need a wonderful Christmas morning for their children and bless them with a Christmas meal too! We ask for the families Christmas list and do our best to check it all off. All of the gifts are given anonymously. Most of the gifts are donated for children in the U.S.A. but we also have sent funds to other countries for children who celebrate Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving. This is one our favorite projects and we hope to expand Holiday Hugs to more families in the future!

The Huggabear Children's Project Inc. is proud to announce our newest addition to our
Huggabear Family, the children of Burigi, Uganda! This small orphanage of 36 children also cares for widows and some elderly under the care of Paul Kiregeya. This orphanage is in desperate need of attention and assistance they have had to shut down their school due to lack of funds.  First, HCP, through the generous donations of the family and friends of Simon Grozav, was able to build a new kitchen for this orphanage. (See completed projects below) Next, due to the generous donations of
Dave and Kimberlee Herman and their contributors, we were able to assist Paul to build a goat farm
which we hope will expand into a profitable business to support the orphanage. If you would like to sponsor a goat, the cost is $33 and will go to help build financial stability as well as job skills for these children!

When we first began our work with HCP in 2009, we had a project we named after my grandmother who was from West Virginia. That project was to serve children in the Appalachia region and provide them with educational supplies, assist with shoes and clothing and toys. Our contact in the area retired from this work and we have been praying for a new person to work with on this project. God will help us find that perfect person!

It is our hope that HCP Inc. will always be adding to the work of our organization as there are so many needs of so many children in the world. These projects listed below are just a few of the ones we hope to start very soon! 

The Huggabears are currently collecting items on this list to take to the victims of
the unfathomable wildfires in California that have left thousands homeless and devastated. We are also collecting funds to purchase items if you are not local to our organization. Funds can be donated on our Donations page. Please make the designation for your donation for:
Huggabear Wildfire Care. 100% of all donations will go for items for children and families in need in California. Please contact us for more information on how you can help!


Location: Worldwide!
Year Work Began: January 2010 - ALWAYS ACTIVE!

This project sends FREE Huggabear, Time Transporters and
The Intercessors Christian books, along with other educational books and Bibles, to children in need all over the world. This project is with work of Samuel La Fon-Cox who started this work when he was 6 years old and loves to send books to children in need.
We have sent books to over 20 different countries for children and young adults to learn about the love of Jesus!

 Location: Chennai, India
Year Work Began: May 2008 to Present Date

HCP works to assist Pastor Rajan Immanuel with his work through
"Living HopeMinstries" which reaches out to orphans with AIDS, children
who are not orphans but are homeless and his sidewalk Sunday School ministry for poverty-stricken children. Pastor Rajan and his family work to take the love of Jesus to these children in need along with food, clothing, educational materials, and Bibles.

Pastor Rajan and his wife are also trying to raise funds to buy land and build a new church to minister to their community as well as care for the orphans. If you would like to make a donation to this worthy ministry program please contact us and thank you for your support!

​Please help Amelia Scott fulfill her dream of having an American Girl Doll that looks like her! Amelia and her mother, Beth, have been working for years to fulfill this dream by collecting signatures for their petition to Mattel and the American Girl Doll Company. It is their wish that Mattel would create a line of dolls that reflect children born with Down's Syndrome so that the thousands of American children who dream of having an American Girl Doll that looks like them, can have one too!

To read Amelia's story click here:

To sign her petition sign here:

To write a USPS letter to Mattel on behalf of Amelia and all the beautiful children of our nation born with Down's Syndrome to have a doll, you can send your letters here:

​American Girl Corporate Headquarters                                Mattel Corporation
8400 Fairway Place                                                                 333 Continental Blvd.
Middleton, WI 53562                                                               El Sequndo, CA 90245

Location: Tororo, Uganda
Date Began: Easter 2010

When was the last time your child celebrated having a loaf of bread? Years ago we went sent the 800 children of The Word - Orphanage, some books, candy and homemade jam. We asked how the children liked the jam and were told they were saving it for when they could afford bread. Our hearts broke to hear this and so we raised $800 to buy every child their own loaf of bread for Easter Sunday morning. Here is another video of the children celebrating their loaf of bread on an Easter Sunday.

Thank you to everyone who gave for our "Huggabears Love Texas" Project! Not just for Hurricane Harvey relief but also for Christmas gifts for the children of Woodsboro, TX. This is a video of thanks to all our wonderful contributors! God bless you!

California Wildfire Care

Listed below are the current HCP projects we are working on, the projects we have completed, and the projects we dream of doing! For our schedule of upcoming public events, please like our FB   Thank you!

Location: Military Bases Worldwide
Year Work Began: June 2007 - ALWAYS ACTIVE!

OPERATION HUGGABEARS was started in June 2009 by then 5-year-old Aven La Fon-Cox who wanted to "Give the children of our soldiers something to hug." while their parent was deployed. For $20, sponsors can send a Huggabear, The Huggabears - We Love the USA, book, an American flag and a personalized gift card to the child of a deployed military Veteran and also become a prayer partner with the Veteran's family. We have sent hundreds of Huggaear packages through the years to soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, here in the U.S.A. and are still going strong! If you would like to sponsor a package, or if you know of a Veteran who would like to participate in our program, please contact us!

HCP assists children who dream of attending school to do so by supplying them with clothes, shoes, books, school materials and a mattress and mosquito netting for their bedding. If you would like to change the world by assisting a child to attend school and have the hope to better themselves and fulfill their dreams, 100% of your donations to this project will do just that.

International  Hugs


Our BIGGEST dream project is to build a nonprofit farm to be used for ministering to children. The Huggabear Farm will have free admission for all children and will be a place where children of all ages and their families will come to make happy memories! The photos below are of the "Mini" Huggabear Farm that we built at a previous home to begin the ministry. Photos of the NEW Huggabear Farm 2.0 at our new home are coming soon! Everything we create for the farm will be based upon the Huggabears' book series, the Bearwood Forest and the town of Bearford Falls. We are preparing a YouTube channel called Huggabear Farm to explain more about future plans and building. To learn more you can also visit our Facebook page at:

Hugs in the USA

One of the projects we hope to start soon is to work with children's hospitals
to give keyboards, headsets, microphones and beginning piano books to children
who are hospital bound. We know that God has given us music as a form of worship,
emotional expression and for healing. We learned through our sweet friend Seraphina
who went through a heart transplant that so many hospitalized children do not have the
energy or physical ability to do much while they are trying to get well. We learned that many children would be blessed to have the gift of a small keyboard, that makes a variety of
​tones and rhythms, that they can easily play and enjoy. We would also like to provide each child with a beginning piano book and organize volunteers to help teach the children how to read music and play!  We already have keyboards that have been sponsored, we just need to be able to get a system put in place with a children's hospital--which we are working on!

Our work with The Word Orphanage in Tororo, Uganda, began before we had our 501c3 status in place and continued for almost ten years. We were blessed to raise funds to build a new school house which was named the 20 Angels School of Uganda in honor of the 20 children killed at Sandy Hook Elementary. We also were blessed with contributors who gave liberally to transform the orphanage from an extremely primitive and sometimes dangerous orphanage into one of the best in the nation. Funds were given for electricity, a medical center, salaries for teachers, new dormitories, beds, mattresses, mosquito nettings, clothing and uniforms for the children, toilets, showers and sinks, water storage towers, a security wall, lightning rods, fire extinguishers, and of course food. Donors also provided the orphanage with rabbits to be raised and bred as a source of income. We are grateful for the work that we were able to be part of for the orphanage and still enjoy giving for the Easter bread project. We look forward to doing more work in Uganda, or perhaps another country in Africa very soon!

Our work in Pakistan was spread between Karachi City and Rawalpindi. We worked with three different pastors who served orphans and underprivileged children. We sent funds for food, shoes, clothing, educational supplies, and Bibles. Unfortunately, our work there has had to be put on slowed due to concerns from local Pakistani officials about our Judeo-Christian organization sending monies to their country. We are praying that this door will open wide for us again so we can continue assisting these amazing pastors and their work for Jesus Christ.  

Our very first two projects were done back in September of 2005 after the destruction of Hurricane Katrina. We did not have our 501c3 status at the time, but we raised funds for two churches who were in need of help to rebuild, they were, the Cornerstone Church of God in New Orleans and the Amazing Grace Church of God, also in New Orleans. We didn't raise much, but it gave us such joy that we wanted to make this our lives work!

If you would like to leran more  how you can help battle antisemitism and stand up for Jewish lives please visit

the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and
The World Jewish Congress at:

The Huggabear Children's Project Inc. is proud to announce our newest addition to our Huggabear Family,
​the children of Burigi, Uganda! This is a small orphanage of 36 children that also cares for widows and some elderly under the care of Paul Kiregeya. This orphanage is in desperate need of attention and assistance, in fact, they have had to shut down their school due to lack of funds. But HCP wants to help them first to give them a clean, safe, healthy kitchen to store and prepare their food. We are taking on this project in the name and memory of our dear friend Simon Grozav who passed away on May 16th after battling ALS. Simon was a partner of The Huggabear Chidldren's Project for over ten years and by the direction of the Holy Spirit and through his giving heart, helped changed the lives of dozens of children worldwide. We are blessed and honored to do this project in Simon's memory. If you would like to assist HCP to build this kitchen in Simon's name for these precious children and people in Burigi, Uganda who are in such great need please designate so in your donation. 100% of all donations go to all Huggabear projects. God bless you and thank you for your help! To donate
click here 

We launched this project on October 1, 2022, to install a water well for a nonprofit boarding school in
Tororo, Uganda. The small tank  in the photos provides water for 130 people, 113 of those are the children of the school, the rest are the adults who volunteer to teach at this  school. The children who live at the school must collect the water for their consumption and cleaning needs via storage containers. The tank cannot be sealed in order to collect the rainwater which is its only source for water collection and therefore it is exposed to open air contaminants. We learned about installing a "Borehole" which is a hole drilled directly into the water table with a hand pump at the top. We learned we could install this borehole for $850 and sent the funds on May 3, 2024! We, and the children of the orphange are so excited and we will be posting photos of the fresh water borehole as soon as it is completed! Many thanks to all those who gave to provide these precious children with this basic human need of clean water! May God bless you richly!

The Simon Grozav Kitchen

 Location: Arizona, U.S.A.
Year Work Began: December 2010 - ALWAYS ACTIVE!

Christmastime is our busiest season for HCP! In addition to our Holiday Hugs project, we also give gifts to homeless people living on the streets. On Christmas Eve we give out Christmas stockings and backpacks full of food, personal care items, and Bibles and we do the same on Easter Sunday, by giving special Easter baskets. We know these things are not going to help the people get off the streets, but we what we can to help to let them know Jesus loves them.

If you would like to donate to assist the people of Israel
​The Huggabear Chidlren's Project highly recommends
Larry Huch Ministries which has many active projects in the nation. They are a ​
trustworthy organization that we have supported for years and know personally that they do outstanding work!

Blessing Israel - Genesis 12:3

 Location: Pierre Peyen, Haiti
Year Work Began: February 2010 - ALWAYS ACTIVE!

This project benefits both the child who participates in it and the child who receives from it. Proceeds raised from the children who read books will go to assist the children of the “Destiny Orphanage” in
PierrePeyen, Haiti. This project was designed to get children to read books for sponsorship and turn in the funds collected for the orphans of this orphanage who are still struggling with the after-effects from the earthquake in January 2010. We launched this project in February 2010 and sadly have had no children participate in reading for it, but we still have hope someday we will!
 Click here to download Reading Log        Click here to download the Sponsor Sheet

Blessings For the Children of Ukraine